Public Forum 2023 to examine how trade can contribute to a greener, more sustainable future

Titled “It is Time for Action”, the Public Forum will cover three main topics: “The role of the services sector in sustainable trade,” “Inclusive policies for the advancement of green trade,” and “Digitalisation as a tool for the greening of supply chains.”

Sessions at the Public Forum are organised by representatives from civil society, academia, business, government and international organisations. A call for proposals and registration are due to open in early May 2023.

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The Public Forum is the WTO’s largest outreach event, providing a unique platform for interested stakeholders from around the world to discuss the latest developments in global trade and to propose ways of enhancing the multilateral trading system. The event attracts over 2,000 representatives each year from civil society, academia, business, government, international organisations and the media. See more information on previous Public Fora.


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